
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

WPP# 12 Unit O Concept 10: Solving Angle Of Elevation & Depression Word Problems

Vanessa's Tootin' Train Express
A) The very cool express train is on the very coolest train track towards a super cool tunnel. The angle of elevation to the top of the super cool tunnel is 22°8'. If the base of the super cool tunnel is 848 feet from the very cool express train how high is the super cool tunnel?
Pickel Extravaganza
B) There is a man standing at the top of the Tunnel his name is Swanson Giggleton OH NO! He see's a pickle on the train track and doesn't want it to get squished. He measures the angle of elevation to the pickle to be 44°. He also knows that he is 345 feet from the ground. If there is a zip line that takes him in a diagonal direction straight to the pickle how long will it take him to reach the pickle & save the pickles life? 

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