
Sunday, December 8, 2013

SP#6 Unit K Concept 10: Writing a repeating decimals a rational number using geometric series

In this problem we will be learning about how to write a repeating decimal as a rational number using geometric series without a calculator. We know that  these problems are infinite which means they go on forever. we need to solve out the problem thoroughly and make sure that we make no mistakes.
Please pay special attention to when you write your decimals as fractions, make sure you have the correct denominator. Also do not forget to reduce the fraction you get as your answer, you must reduce!  If there is a number in front of the repeating decimal remember that you cannot forget to add that to get your final answer!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Fibonacci Beauty Ratio Blog Post

Jennifer Bustos 
Foot to Navel: 95cm      Navel to top of Head: 59cm    ratio: 95cm/59cm = 1.61      Average:
Navel to Chin: 41cm     Chin to top of Head: 21cm      ratio: 41cm/21cm = 1.95        1.58
Knee to Navel: 52cm     Foot to Knee: 44cm                ratio: 52cm/44cm = 1.18

Cynthia Alvarado 
Foot to Navel: 100cm    Navel to top of Head: 65cm    ratio: 100cm/65cm = 1.53    Average:
Navel to Chin: 44cm     Chin to top of Head: 23cm      ratio: 44cm/23cm = 1.91         1.54
Knee to Navel: 57cm     Foot to Knee: 48cm                ratio: 53cm/46cm = 1.18 

Edna Ruiz 
Foot to Navel: 93cm      Navel to top of Head: 60cm    ratio: 93cm/60cm = 1.55      Average:
Navel to Chin: 39cm     Chin to top of Head: 22cm      ratio: 39cm/22cm = 1.77         1.49
Knee to Navel: 53cm     Foot to Knee: 46cm                ratio: 53cm/46cm = 1.15

Selene Cruz 
Foot to Navel: 99cm      Navel to top of Head: 64cm     ratio: 99cm/64cm = 1.54      Average: 
Navel to Chin: 43cm      Chin to top of Head: 20 cm     ratio: 43cm/20cm = 2.15         1.61      
Knee to Navel: 55cm     Foot to Knee: 48cm                 ratio: 55cm/48cm = 1.14

Brianna Aranda
Foot to Navel: 100cm    Navel to top of Head: 58cm    ratio: 100cm/58cm = 1.72    Average:
Navel to Chin: 39cm     Chin to top of Head: 21cm      ratio: 39cm/21cm = 1.85          1.44
Knee to Navel: 60cm     Foot to Knee: 46cm                ratio: 60cm/46cm = 1.30 

Selene Cruz is the most "beautiful" because of the fibonacci number sequence. In the Fibonacci number sequence or the "Golden Ratio" the number sequence leads to the golden ratio "phi" which equals 1.618033... Fibonacci states that our mathematical beauty depends on ratio. Selene's average was really close there for she is the most "beautiful"

I agree that Selene is mathematically Beautiful :) Her measurements added up to the golden ratio, but that doesn't mean that all the other girls aren't either they're all mathematically Beautiful in my eyes!



Sunday, November 24, 2013

Fibonacci Haiku: Christmas

Lights Everywhere 
Family Coming Together 
Loud Laughter Filling the Room
Big Gifts Being Exchanged as well as smiles  

Friday, November 15, 2013

SP#5 Unit J Concept 6: Partial Fraction Decomposition With Repeated Factors

In this problem we will be talking about how to separate each factor into separate factors and as for the repeated factors we must count up and include as many factors as the exponent is. This problem is just like concept five with the distinct change of the counting up. we need to get a common denominator group like terms and so on.
Please pay special attention to when your counting up you need to have one for each power until you get up to the one you want. Also make sure that you distribute all your problems correctly because if you don't you have to go all the way back and spot your mistake. Make sure you also use RREF if you need it!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

SP#4 Unit J Concept 5: Partial Fraction Decomposition with Distinct Factors

in this problem we will be factoring the denominator separating our factors into A,B & C we will work to get a least common denominator for all three we group common denominators we equal like terms on the right side we solve the resulting equations then we put A,B & C back there they belong in the starting equation
pay special attention to those missing coefficients that need to be added these coefficients will be zeros please also make sure that you made no mistake in your multiplication and the signs of all the values. you also need to make sure you get the right common denominator.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

SP#1 Unit E Concept 1: Graphing a Quadratic identifying x&y intercepts ,vertex (max/min) & the axis of quadratics.

in this problem we will be learning how to graph a quadratic & we will also learn how to identify the parent function equation,vertex,y-intercept,axis of symetry and the x-intercepts. we will define whether the graph has a maximum or minimum point. i will go through this problem identifying all these items i have listed out.
please pay special attention to whether the graph has a maximum or minimum. Don't forget to put your axis of symmetry and note that (h) equals your axis of symmetry. Be sure to check you put your factored equation with the right sign for ex: -,+ negative or positive numbers

SP#2 Unit E Concept 7: Graphing polynomials & Identifying all key parts

This problem is on deciding end behavior, finding x-intercepts by factoring, finding our y-intercepts by plugging in zero for our "x" values, finding our extrema and noting all intervals of increase and intervals of decrease. we need to plot the direction of the arrows identify whether the line will bounce curve or just go straight through the point. We will graph our x& y intercepts we will also find our extrema by using our 2nd calc button on our calculators.
Pay special attention to whether you have multiplicities of one ordered pair also note which way your arrows are pointing we also need to make sure we know specifically if it curves bounces or goes straight through the point because if you do this wrong you will know and you will have to retrace your steps and figure out what you did wrong.

SV#5 Unit J Concept 3: solving three-variable systems with gauss-jordan elimination/matrices/row-echelon form/back substitution

In this video i will be talking about solving three-variable systems with Gaussian Elimination. We need to complete our square and our goal is to get our square into Row-Echelon Form. This means that we will have our triangle or zeros in the left corner and our one stair case.
Please pay special attention to any equations that can be reduced if you reduce them it will make solving matrices much easier. Also don't forget to back substitute once you have finished finding your x,y & z variables to make sure you are correct.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

WPP# 4 Unit E Concept 3: Finding Maximum & minimum values of quadratic applications using calculator, interpretation of solutions (maximizing area)

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WPP# 3 Unit E: Concept 2: Finding Maximum and Minimum values of quadratic applications using a calculator, interpretation of solutions

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Sv #1 : Unit F Concept: 10 Find all zeros of a given polynomial of a 4th or 5th degree

in this problem you will be dealing with a polynomial to the 4th degree which is called a quartic. we use a step by step process to solve the problem we start off with the rational roots theorem then we use Decartes rule of signs and finally we use the zero hero method which is also known as synthetic division. to understand this video you will need to know what the P's & Q's are and you need to also know that they need to be divided by one another, please note that if you do not get a zero hero in synthetic division you need to keep trying to get one or you can simply find it on the calculator.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

SV #3 Unit H Concept 7: Finding Logs Given Approximations

In this problem we will be working out and expanding logs when given approximations we will be expanding and plugging in the values to get our finalized equation.
Please pay special attention to bringing down any powers and be sure you subtract those values that are on bottom also 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

SV # 4 Unit I Concept 2: Graphing logarithmic Functions & Identifying x & y-Intercepts, Asymptote, Domain and Range

In this video we will learn how to solve and plot a logarithmic equation we will start off by identifying the asymptote then solving to find the x & y intercepts of the graph we will also identify the domain and range of this problem i have created 
Please pay special attention to the way we plug this equation into our calculator we need to make sure we plug in whats in the parenthesis first on top multiplied by log then divided by our log base also subtracted by the last number of our equation don't forget !

WPP#6 Unit I Concepts 3-5: Compound interest, continuously compounding interest & investment application problem (pert)

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Monday, November 4, 2013

SP # 3 Unit I Concept 1: Graphing Exponential Functions & identifying x and y intercepts, asymptotes, domain and range

In this concept we will be learning about how to graph exponential equations. we will be using our calculator to graph but we will also be finding out the asymptote of our graph our x-intercepts as well as our y-intercepts we will have to note the domain and the range as well.
please pay special attention to our domain which will always be real numbers also remember that we need to decide whether the graph is above or below by the first number of the equation. we find the range by starting at the asymptote then seeing whether the graph goes up to positive infinity or down to negative infinity. do not forget that if we are trying to find our x intercepts and we end up trying to get the natural log of a negative number it cant be don't therefore there is no x-intercepts.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

SV#2: Unit G Concepts 1-7 - Finding all parts of a rational function and graphing it!

In this problem we will be dealing with polynomials and finding their asymptotes/holes.i will be showing you how to define whether the graph will have a vertical slant or horizontal asymptote. i will also show you whether your graph has a hole or not.we will use the songs learned in class to help us work through these problems. please pay special attention to how i know whether the graph will have any of the three types of asymptotes and especially pay attention to whether the graph has a hole or not. Be sure to understand how to find all of these factors that make up this graph