
Monday, November 4, 2013

SP # 3 Unit I Concept 1: Graphing Exponential Functions & identifying x and y intercepts, asymptotes, domain and range

In this concept we will be learning about how to graph exponential equations. we will be using our calculator to graph but we will also be finding out the asymptote of our graph our x-intercepts as well as our y-intercepts we will have to note the domain and the range as well.
please pay special attention to our domain which will always be real numbers also remember that we need to decide whether the graph is above or below by the first number of the equation. we find the range by starting at the asymptote then seeing whether the graph goes up to positive infinity or down to negative infinity. do not forget that if we are trying to find our x intercepts and we end up trying to get the natural log of a negative number it cant be don't therefore there is no x-intercepts.

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