
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

SP#2 Unit E Concept 7: Graphing polynomials & Identifying all key parts

This problem is on deciding end behavior, finding x-intercepts by factoring, finding our y-intercepts by plugging in zero for our "x" values, finding our extrema and noting all intervals of increase and intervals of decrease. we need to plot the direction of the arrows identify whether the line will bounce curve or just go straight through the point. We will graph our x& y intercepts we will also find our extrema by using our 2nd calc button on our calculators.
Pay special attention to whether you have multiplicities of one ordered pair also note which way your arrows are pointing we also need to make sure we know specifically if it curves bounces or goes straight through the point because if you do this wrong you will know and you will have to retrace your steps and figure out what you did wrong.

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