
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Fibonacci Beauty Ratio Blog Post

Jennifer Bustos 
Foot to Navel: 95cm      Navel to top of Head: 59cm    ratio: 95cm/59cm = 1.61      Average:
Navel to Chin: 41cm     Chin to top of Head: 21cm      ratio: 41cm/21cm = 1.95        1.58
Knee to Navel: 52cm     Foot to Knee: 44cm                ratio: 52cm/44cm = 1.18

Cynthia Alvarado 
Foot to Navel: 100cm    Navel to top of Head: 65cm    ratio: 100cm/65cm = 1.53    Average:
Navel to Chin: 44cm     Chin to top of Head: 23cm      ratio: 44cm/23cm = 1.91         1.54
Knee to Navel: 57cm     Foot to Knee: 48cm                ratio: 53cm/46cm = 1.18 

Edna Ruiz 
Foot to Navel: 93cm      Navel to top of Head: 60cm    ratio: 93cm/60cm = 1.55      Average:
Navel to Chin: 39cm     Chin to top of Head: 22cm      ratio: 39cm/22cm = 1.77         1.49
Knee to Navel: 53cm     Foot to Knee: 46cm                ratio: 53cm/46cm = 1.15

Selene Cruz 
Foot to Navel: 99cm      Navel to top of Head: 64cm     ratio: 99cm/64cm = 1.54      Average: 
Navel to Chin: 43cm      Chin to top of Head: 20 cm     ratio: 43cm/20cm = 2.15         1.61      
Knee to Navel: 55cm     Foot to Knee: 48cm                 ratio: 55cm/48cm = 1.14

Brianna Aranda
Foot to Navel: 100cm    Navel to top of Head: 58cm    ratio: 100cm/58cm = 1.72    Average:
Navel to Chin: 39cm     Chin to top of Head: 21cm      ratio: 39cm/21cm = 1.85          1.44
Knee to Navel: 60cm     Foot to Knee: 46cm                ratio: 60cm/46cm = 1.30 

Selene Cruz is the most "beautiful" because of the fibonacci number sequence. In the Fibonacci number sequence or the "Golden Ratio" the number sequence leads to the golden ratio "phi" which equals 1.618033... Fibonacci states that our mathematical beauty depends on ratio. Selene's average was really close there for she is the most "beautiful"

I agree that Selene is mathematically Beautiful :) Her measurements added up to the golden ratio, but that doesn't mean that all the other girls aren't either they're all mathematically Beautiful in my eyes!



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